Training a child to excel in musical success or career starts with choosing the right instrument. Getting the right instrument for your child is necessary to bolster his love for music. Here are some factors you need to take into consideration.
Your child’s age
Most children learn to play instruments as young as 5 years old. Some parents introduce music as early as in the womb and a musical toy as early as 6-8 months. Most parents prolong introducing formal music lessons until the kid is six years old, though three year olds can do informal lessons.
Their musical foundation
If this is your child’s first time to play, it’s better to try violin or piano first, because it would help develop their musical foundation which would be a great help if ever they want to try a different instrument.

A violin, aside from being from having small sizes, teaches kids to play in tune and pitch because it lacks frets or keys, and introduces the concept of musical phrasing by the bowing of the right hand. A piano teaches important perceptual and musical skills by using melody and harmony simultaneously and provides a visual representation of music that is essential to understanding music theory.
Physical limitations or strength
Age provides strength required to play other instruments, however it is more important that your child and his instrument are physically similar in size. Small children with small hands will have difficulty with stringed instruments or keys while bigger children with large hands or awkward fine motor skills would have difficulty with sensitive instruments. Children’s desire to play certain instruments would also be a factor in this.
Their motivation and interest
Children’s desire to play certain instruments is a big factor, oftentimes even overcoming physical difficulties. Most kids would decide they liked an instrument by the sound it’s produced or coolness factor. The enjoyment in playing the instrument would serve as motivation for playing and learning the instrument. Be aware that some teachers or band leaders might encourage your child to play an instrument they don’t like because the band lacks a player for certain instrument.
These considerations are extremely important as this could make or break your children’s love for music and cause resentment for the instrument or worse, playing and producing music in general.
Kids will choose the instrument based on preconceived motions and peer’s opinion and statements, even if that instrument seems like a bad fit and the sound and way of playing does click to them. Some could lead to life’s instrument but others could backfire and others it will be a dead end. Never ignore your child’s preconceived notions of an instrument but temper that with the reality of the other factors.
The cornerstone of future success is the joy in playing your instrument. The perfect match of child and instrument is honed by experience, trial and error, passion and common sense.