Saturday, January 25, 2025


How to Open, Close Your Towngas Account

There are several moving parts involved when you move apartments in Hong Kong. Whether you just arrived straight from overseas and occupying your first flat in the city, or moving from another location in the territory, relocation is often...

6 Way to Ensure Privacy of Domestic Helpers at Home

Many of us cannot just think of living a fast-paced life without domestic help creating space for us by taking care of an array of responsibilities back at home. They make our life comfortable and easy by just unburdening many days to day tasks off our shoulder. Naturally, we depend on them a lot. But such comfort, ease of living and dependability comes with a price.

How Your Helper Can Join Family Halloween Celebration

Halloween is a night of surprises and fantasy, and the opportunity for your kiddos (and you too) to have some honest fun – and scare! Like other major celebrations, it can require a lot of work (depending on how...

7 Domestic Helper Skills Needed for Elderly Care

Like many developed nations in the West, Hong Kong to has a significant aged and elderly population in complete contrast to the vast number of youth professionals populating this industrialist city-state from all around the world. Now the elderly...

What Many Domestic Workers See When They Return To Employers After Day Off

As they take a one-day holiday to relax, and regain energy for the next six days, many domestic workers often learn that employers cannot assume, for that one day, household chores and maintain a decent upkeep of the house.

9 Common Violations Committed by Employers of Domestic Helpers

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. That's Latin for 'ignorance of the law excuses no one.' Despite government efforts to educate the public, specifically employers of domestic helpers, about their responsibilities, there are still abuses that take place. Whether ignorance or openly...

How Employers Should Handle Domestic Helper Problems

Domestic helpers in Hong Kong face a number of problems with respect to the abuse and discrimination they suffer from the hands of their employers. It is essential, hence, that they are appreciated for work and treated with good...

What Should HK Domestic Helper Do When Employer Asks Her to Clean Someone Else’s Home

Hong Kong domestic workers are bound to employment contracts that stipulate how much they should be paid, who are their employers or where are they supposed to work. But sometimes abuses kick in once a helper tries to do a...

How Domestic Helpers Can Claim Unpaid Wages at HK Labour Department

Foreign domestic helpers have the right to claim their wages in a timely manner as mandated by Hong Kong Employment Ordinance chapter 57. It states that wages must be paid within 7 days after a monthly cut off date...

How to Compute Long Service, Severance Pay for Hong Kong Domestic Helpers

As of September 2023, newly hired foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong are entitled to a minimum allowable wage of HK$4,870 per month. But if the working relationship between the helper and her employers deteriorates under incompetence, financial incapacity, or...
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Exploring Lan Kwai Fong: Central’s Dining and Entertainment Destination

Lan Kwai Fong is a busy and well-known nightlife zone in Hong Kong's Central District. After dusk, this bustling...
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