Importing a car to your Hong Kong address from abroad is not an easy task. But it’s not a tough one too provided you know where to get it registered and what procedures to follow. You have to keep certain requirements in mind before you can decide whether or not to import your car.
You must get your vehicle registered and licensed with the Hong Kong authorities while keeping the following in mind
- Since mainland China drives on the right, vehicles with a left hand drive are not accepted except in special circumstances.
- The vehicle should satisfy strict guidelines regarding emissions and noise levels.
- Approval or Exemption from the Environmental Protection Department
- Vehicle Importation
- Vehicle Examination
- Vehicle Registration and Licensing
The emission standards of China are quite strict.
- The car you import must be fully compliant with the emission standards in the Air Pollution Control Regulations.
- Proof of emissions compliance may take the form of documents issued by the vehicle manufacturer or an emission testing report issued by an approved test laboratory.
- Submit the application to the Environmental Protection Department for approval with all original supporting documents.
The next step is to make the arrangements to import the vehicle to Hong Kong. Here is how the importation process works:
- Send the import declaration to the customs and Excise Department (C&ED) within 14 days of importation
- Within 30 days of the vehicle’s importation, Import Return Form No. CED336 and Declaration Form No. CED336A should be submitted to the Motor Vehicles Valuation Group of the C&ED for valuation of the taxable value of the vehicle.
- Produce the “Notification of Motor Vehicle Provisional Taxable Value” received by C&ED when the vehicle is first registered with Transport Department
- Get the car inspected at To Kwa Wan Vehicle Examination Centre.
- Take either original certificate or original letter for exemption as a proof of complying with the emission standards.
- On passing the examination you receive the Certificate of Roadworthiness by the Examination Centre
To apply for the vehicle’s registration submit a double sided completed copy of application form TD22 to the Hong Kong Licensing Office of the Transport Department.
The required documents include:
- Purchase invoice or manufacturer’s invoice
- Original Identity document of owner
- Valid third party risk insurance policy or cover note
- Notification of provisional taxable value of a vehicle issued by the Motor Vehicles Valuation Group of the Customs and Excise Department
- Certificate of roadworthiness
On submission and verification of documents, pay the following fees:
- First registration tax
- Registration fee
- Vehicle licence fee
- Levy to the Traffic Accident Victim Assistance Fund for the licensing of the vehicle
A number of your own for the registration plate preference may be obtained through auction.
Under Hong Kong law, any person exporting a registered vehicle from Hong Kong should notify the Commissioner for Transport in writing within 15 days at the following address, and should enclose copies of its registration documents
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